This semester we will be doing a proposal posted to your blog and a short presentation to the class of your topic and concept. The goal is to gather lots of resources and feedback right from the start. The proposal is due on Mon April 6 at the start of class and presentations will be the same day. You need to have the information below filled out on your blog and have an inspirational site or two to show the class.
Here's the scoop: in approx. 500 words, propose an idea for your Final Project. Explain the topic, the reason you've selected it, the audience of the map(s), the type of visualization you envision (be specific and reference labs we've done if relevant), the data source (and if it has been acquired), the production steps (data processing, software, etc.), and a schedule. Also discuss any issues/obstacles you foresee.
For the presentation: No powerpoint needed. Show us your blog and paraphrase your proposal. If you are inspired by an online map, show us! Explain how yours will be different/better/more detailed, etc. If you cannot find an online map similar to your idea, find an example of the style of interactive or animated map you want to do as a visual reference point -- a site that inspires you. If there are a couple of sites you want to pull ideas from, show us them as well. The proposal & presentation are worth 50 points total (as much as a lab) -- so take it seriously.
There are a variety of visualization options: smooth, temporal animation; motion and shape tweening animation; step-by-step "book-like" animation; "faux" GIS (where the user gets to turn layers on and off ); D3 and Leaflet (both upcoming). The one requirement is that the project is showcased on your blog. You can choose to use any combination of software programs for the development (ArcMap, Illustrator, Photoshop. etc.).
At this point you should have a decent grasp as to what you can do in Flash. We still have four more labs left to try a few different things. Go ahead and propose your ideal project (what you'd *really* like to see) and we'll discuss what is doable. Modifications can be made if needed. My hope is that your project can be used for potential employers (or grad schools) as an example of what you can do. And there are even student map competitions for visualizations!
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