Monday, May 4, 2015

Final Project Presentations

Final Projects are due on Monday, May 11th at 1:30pm. They must be functional and hosted on your blog. Also upload copies of your Flash .fla/.swf files or .html/data files to the class Dropbox account. Make sure your name is in the file name.

The presentations themselves are informal. Come up to the lectern, show us your completed project, and explain the steps you took to get it done. Easy! We have 26 students and 165 minutes so approx. 5 minutes per person. Questions? Ask!


  1. Can you send me a Dropbox invitation again? I'm connected to the basic cartography one, but not this class' Dropbox.

    - Robert H. Tolbert

  2. Professor! Please post this on Blackboard and here! It is the code to stop video playback from continuing if you have a video on a Splash Screen!


    function f(e:Event):void{


