Monday, April 20, 2015

da Labs!

Today is our last regular lab day. Starting next week we will shift into Final Project Critiques (see prior post). We still have 2 labs to work through: 9 and 10. Both are on Blackboard as a digital Word file for copy-pasting blocks of code. Both labs use the Leaflet map tiles as the basemap.

Lab 9 builds on Lab 8 by creating proportional symbols and a time slider bar for your location data.
Lab 10 uses a new dataset to illustrate a heatmap.

Strava, a running/biking site, has a good example heatmap that even lets you choose between three color ramps for the data:

This site hold the example maps referred to in Labs 6-10:

Lab 8 is due today.     You must finish 8 to do 9!
Lab 9 is due next Monday April 27th
Lab 10 is due Monday May 4th (last class before finals)

Final cutoff for Labs 1-5 is this Wednesday. If I cannot see it on your blog, you will receive a zero.

Labs 6 and 7: I know there are several students with issues for one or both of these labs. Matt and I are working on them and will help you get them active. I intend to finish grading these 2 labs by next Monday, April 27th. 

If you are behind, PLEASE get them done! There are no exams...these labs are your work this semester. We need to shift quickly into Final Projects!

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