Monday, May 11, 2015!

For better or worse the Final Projects are due today at 1:30pm. Upload your files to Dropbox.

We will be having informal presentations: come up, show us what you made, explain any changes or challenges you faced, mention anything you'd like to add if given more time (or a salary). Easy peasy!

I will be working on grading all day. Please check your email frequently -- I will ping you if there is an issue with your content.

If you are graduating....many Congrats!!!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Final Project Presentations

Final Projects are due on Monday, May 11th at 1:30pm. They must be functional and hosted on your blog. Also upload copies of your Flash .fla/.swf files or .html/data files to the class Dropbox account. Make sure your name is in the file name.

The presentations themselves are informal. Come up to the lectern, show us your completed project, and explain the steps you took to get it done. Easy! We have 26 students and 165 minutes so approx. 5 minutes per person. Questions? Ask!

Scaling Mt. Everest

Interesting interactive piece on Mt. Everest from the Washington Post:

Last Day / Last Critiques!

Today is our last regular class meeting. And we have 13 people to get through with the critiques. In an effort to save time I am not going to waste time at the front -- let's just get moving with the feedback.

HELP HOURS: this Wed May 6th from 9:45-1pm or so. Please come and ask for help!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Weekly Blog Posts #8, 9 10!

Here are the last maps to find and post on your blog.

#8: Last week's task was to find an interactive Javascript map -- any topic. Think along the lines of Labs 9 and 10.

#9: This week's task is to find a graphic regarding the earthquake in Nepal. Can be static or interactive. It is always interesting to see maps that are produced on short turnaround!

#10: One last interactive or animated map that you find especially cool. Any topic. Any style. Just something you wish you'd made!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Critique Presentation Order

Mon April 27: Robert, Nicole, Katie, Daniel, Jose, Tom, Anuraag, Alfred, Alex, Brooke, John G., Matt B, Melanie  

Mon May 4th: Christina, John B., Garrett, Sean, Tim, Jon C., Homaira, Nathan, Ramzi, Brian, Kerry, Micah, Dai

Critique details in prior blog post. 

20 points for being at the lectern (getting feedback from the class)
40 points for 2+ comments on Mon 4-27
40 points for 2+ comments on Mon 5-4

You must present on your assigned day! You must show up! No makeups. 

Recent onlines maps

New xkcd comic:

What town matches my politics:

Where men aren't working:

How non-employed Americans spend their work days (Males vs Females):

Most religious states in America:

Most liberal and conservative towns in each state:

Best places in the world to visit while the dollar is strong:

Earthquake in Nepal:

Not a map, but an interesting graphic (A Guide to Sweeteners):