Saturday, January 31, 2015

Moving Beyond Static...

Let's take a look at the range of cartographic animations/visualizations on the Web starting with the earliest styles. 

Early animations and visualizations that have influenced the discipline:  Urban Change (scroll down to that section on the page)
Time-series animations (limited or no interaction):  Obesity Maps (the animations are gone but I'm leaving the link as the data is interesting)  Maps of War site -- esp. the Imperial History map
Interactive/Exploratory (to varying degrees):  What remains of the old USGS National Atlas   Explore the Interactive Map  U of Oregon campus map
Real-time Data:  Sailing vessels (sometimes slow to load)
Fly though maps:  Western Alaskan fly through visualizations
3D Models:  NASA Visualization Center
Misc.  (compendium of many different visualization styles)  If you dig straight down....?

Monday, January 26, 2015

Setting up your Blogger site

  • Setup a personal GGS 411 blog 
  • Go to
    • Sign up
    • Choose a snazzy name for your site
    • Add a photo of yourself
    • Subscribe to the class blog
  • When done, email the web address and your preferred name. 
    • I will add the addresses to the class blog

  • To get your mind back in mapping mode….
    • Find an interesting example of an interactive map -- any topic!
    • Take a screen shot
    • Make a New Post with:
      • screen shot of map
      • a link to what you selected
      • and a few sentences explaining why you find it compelling (need to comment to get the full 5 points)

Class syllabus

Anticipating a potential snow day today (and a resulting need to update the calendar in the class syllabus), I opted not to get printed copies of the syllabus. Please find it on Blackboard -- and do go through it! I consider it a contract between us and will follow it throughout the semester. Any changes to the calendar (due to cancellations or software issues or whatever) will be posted on Blackboard asap and will be announced to the class.

If you ever have a question about what we are doing or what is expected of you, please ask! And the soon the better. I have more options at my disposal before things get messy/go missing.


Yup, you found it. The blog for GGS411 this Spring '15 at Mason.

Glad to have you on board. :)